The main idea of Quality Assurance System (QAS) applied at Crystal Ltd. is complete correspondence of ready products to their Specifications.
This became possible due to the following:
- The QAS are totally integrated into the whole enterprise.
- Every employee takes part in QAS with exact definition of his role in it.
- The staff of every level is being regularly trained on QAS.
- Every product is produced in accordance with Quality Control Process Chart (QCPC) that is specific for every products type.
- Each lot of product is traced during production process at every stage. During technological process the every module can also be traced, if necessary.
- First of all the products are inspected after each technological process, and every lot of product passes the final outgoing inspection additionally.
- The most important parameters are measured repeatedly at different stages of technological processes.
- Use of Crystal's product features – thermoelectric material in shape of plates – for 100% inspection of electro-physical parameters of thermoelectric material.
Besides the quality control during the technological processes the other important part of QAS is the Outgoing Inspection.
The Outgouing Inspection includes the following control stages:
For thermoelectric elements:
- Appearance inspection;
- Geometry & dimensions inspection;
- Inspection of adhesive strength of "element-conductive pad" solder joint;
- Coating wetting ability to solder;
- Electric conductivity;
- Figure of merit.
For thermoelectric modules:
- Appearance inspection;
- Geometry & dimensions inspection;
- Electric parameters measurements (RAC, Figure of merit);
- Burn-in or temperature cycling test.
For thermoelectric assemblies, controllers and other systems:
Incoming quality control of components.
Operational control of the technological process of assembling thermoelectric units.
Outgoing inspection and control of finished products for compliance with the technical requirements.
Tests of finished products are carried out according to the appropriate programs:
- acceptance tests to confirm product compliance with specifications;
- periodic tests to check the stability of technological processes;
- type testing after changes or products upgrades.
Particular attention in the quality system is paid to meeting the needs of customers of our products through continuous monitoring of technological processes, research and development of new products in accordance with market demands and consumer requirements.
The Company has implemented a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The quality policy is aimed at the continuous development of the Company in the direction of production and product improvement in order to maintain the reputation of a reliable and responsible supplier.
Quality control is confirmed by measuring parameters on specialized test benches and ensures high reliability of thermoelectric products.
Quality control of products is one of the elements of the production process and verification of the compliance of the parameters of manufactured products with the established requirements, excludes the appearance of defects and their getting to the consumer.