Innovative design of the new thermoelectric air conditioner from the Crystal Ltd.


The high density of equipment placement saves space, but greatly increases the concentration of heat generated. High temperatures require active cooling. Long-term work to improve the figure of merit of thermoelectric semiconductor material, Bismuth Telluride, creative thinking and high competence provided an opportunity for designers of Crystal Ltd. to create a new family of thermoelectric air conditioners of the TAC series. The innovative design and high performance of air conditioners TAC family will make it easy to cooling of your equipment. If the cabinet or container was not originally designed for the use of the climate system, it will not be a problem to install the TAC conditioner at the existing equipment. Easy modifications are enough to install the TAC air conditioner on any vertical wall and realize the following advantages:

  • compact size
  • high operating efficiency at ambient temperature +30 ⁰С ÷ +60 ⁰С
  • voltage range 100 - 130VAC (switch on rated voltage 115VAC), 200 - 240VAC (switch on rated voltage 230VAC), frequency 50/60 Hz (in the range from 90 to 110% of rated voltage)
  • the possibility to connect to the electric power outside or inside the cabinet
  • the possibility to control active cooling in the modes of ON/OFF control (Hysteresis is adjustable), PID, PI, PD
  • 7-segment display LED method, character size (W*H) 8*10mm
  • the possibility of location the temperature sensor at any point of the cabinet at a distance of 1m from the air conditioner or in the air conditioner case at the air inlet (factory-preset)
  • the possibility to install on a wall of any thickness
  • does not occupy the volume inside the cabinet
  • accumulate and drainage of condensate from the outside of the cabinet.

Thermoelectric air conditioner TAC series

Aleksandr Koriakin

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