Crystal is a company that has years of experience of the production the reliable Peltier elements and thermoelectric cooling assemblies.
Today we added to our family of thermoelectric assemblies Series Air-to-Air new unit TA-AA-400-48(24)-HF.
Thermoelectric flange assembly based on Peltier elements for outdoor cabinets TA-AA-400-48-HF
Producer: Crystal Ltd.
Thermoelectric assembly TA-AA-400-48(24)-HF is a reliable way to protect against overheating of electronic components located in the enclosed space of the cabinet. The innovative design combines the following advantages:
Thermoelectric assembly TA-AA-400-48(24)-HF can be used for upgrading of existing outdoor equipment. To this end the TA-AA-400-48(24)-HF equipped with multi-functional protective casing.