R&D Projects

Crystal Ltd. is an innovative dynamically developing Russian research and production company. Our research activities focus on the field of thermoelectricity and its applications. Our scientists continually carry out research that can significantly improve production technology and develop new methods for thermoelectric materials and products based on them. The R&D department brings together creative people: doctors of sciences and PhDs, graduate students and young engineers.

Peltier element. Research of properties

Subjects of advanced materials research and technologies include:

  • Preparation of nanostructured powders and development of multilayer structures of low and medium temperature range materials
  • Development of methods for surface treatment to increase adhesion of the coating and reduce contact resistance.
  • Obtaining of bulk materials with high properties by spark plasma sintering method (SPS), including melt spinning prepared powders.

In recent years, Crystal has gone from the production of thermoelectric material, thermoelectric elements Peltier to the creation of high-quality and reliable thermoelectric cooling and generating modules. The last two years we have taken another step – the production of thermoelectric assemblies created on the basis of Peltier elements and thermoelectric transport conditioner.

At the same time, we continue to work on improving of our thermoelectric material properties and technological and control equipment that allows us to be one of the world leaders in thermoelectric market. Our developments are protected by Russian and foreign patents.

Experimental crystallizations equipment

Projects carried out during the period 2007-2014 years:

  1. "Development of obtaining and treatment technologies of thermoelectric materials based on bismuth telluride solid solutions, the creation of high-performance thermocouples and organization of their pilot production"
  2. "Development of Peltier modules with increased cooling power and the density of warm flows using branches of small height on the basis of bismuth telluride solid solutions"
  3. "Development of high-performance semiconductor thermocouples on the basis of bismuth telluride"
  4. "Development of technology for the production of a new class of bulk thermoelectric materials with nano and submicron structural elements for thermoelectric modules"

Topics of work that Crystal Ltd. is currently undertaking:

  1. "Development of Peltier modules with improved technical and economic parameters and energy efficient units climatic systems based on them"
  2. "Development and construction of efficient cooling for the power converter technology”
  3. "Development of technology for thermoelectric materials based on solid solutions of bismuth and antimony chalcogenides with different levels of doping by directional solidification and the formation of low-temperature composite branches of these materials"

Our partners are the largest Russian and international institutions and research centers:

  1. The National University of Science and Technology MISiS
  2. Bauman Moscow State Technological University
  3. The State Institute of Rare Metals (GIREDMET)
  4. Other

Our team welcomes any mutually beneficial cooperation in research, development of thermoelectric materials and design work on the creation of thermoelectric Peltier coolers.

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